Seeker’s inquiry FAQ's

  • What happens if I get excited when my cleaner is cleaning?

    Our cleaners are very professional and will understand that this will happen. However please respect them and their personal space.
    We are solely a domestic cleaning company and do not provide any sexual services.

  • No, we are solely a domestic cleaning company.

  • No, TNCC have a very strict ‘you can look but not touch’ policy.
    TNCC will contact the local authorities when we are made aware this has happened.

  • Yes, you do provide all materials and equipment for our cleaners.

  • No only yourself should be present. If our cleaner arrives and there is more than one person present she will have to leave immediate for safety reasons.

  • Yes, you can have more than one cleaner at a time. You will have to make the bookings separate. Please choose separate cleaners from our online booking system.

  • You will make full payment through our website. We use a secure, discreet payment partner emerchant for your bookings. There’s also the option to make payment through Paypal. Once this has been made and the booking is complete, we will forward payment to your cleaner minus our commission.

  • If for any reason your cleaner would have to cancel last minute.
    You will be refunded your booking fee with 5 working days.

  • Please allow 24 hours’ cancellation notice to your cleaner.

  • Yes of course please contact your cleaner through our system to reschedule your appointment.

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We'll be happy to answer any of your questions about our services by email. Please allow 48 hours for a reply at busy times.

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